Our Lil’ Dragon program is an age appropriate nationally acclaimed martial arts child development program for 3 to 6 year old boys and girls.

The Lil’ Dragons program teaches kids to become Champions in Life since 1998. Give your Child a strong start on Life! Our Lil Dragons classes are age appropriate, fast-paced, fun filled, educational and motivational. Kids love our martial arts program and parents love watching their kids learn and grow in a positive, well disciplined and encouraging atmosphere.

The goal of our Lil’ Dragon program is to inspire self esteem to every child and prepare them for our Mixed Martial Arts Kids program. Anta’s Lil Dragons MMA Kids is the fusion of Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do, Kickboxing, Kung Fu, Judokickbox, Krav Maga and Jiu Jitsu.

Our instructors that lead by example will teach your child safety and life skill: anti drugs, stranger danger, how to deal with bullies, anger control, how to be indistractable and a life time love for health and fitness. Through fun and exciting martial arts training drills and obstacles they will learn balance, cooperation, coordination, discipline, listening skills and respect. Through dynamic ancient Kung Fu forms they will improve their memory and stay fit for life.

Lil’ Dragon’s will learn to set short term goals following Anta’s Mixed Martial Arts Kids belt curriculum and long term goals on their quest for the coveted Junior Black Belt our Mixed Martial Arts System. The parents of our students are saying that their children are behaving better, getting in less trouble, are more discipline, are less distracted and have improved their grades. Our goal is to develop students to become dynamic peak performers that not only learn reality based self defense and become Black Belts in Martial Arts, but Black Belts in Life.

At Anta’s Lil” Dragon’s Mixed Martial Arts Kids class we teach and instill basic developmental skills that will show up in many aspects of life such as: showing basic proper manners. We’ll teach them how to look someone in the eyes, shake their hand and give a polite greeting.

They will also improve their listening skills, have longer periods of focus and attention span, self control of one’s actions and attitudes, learning to participate in group activities and getting along well with others. There isn’t a magical pill and it doesn’t happen in just one class. However, for many parents, our program is the perfect alliance and is one of the most valued investments for their child. We’ve had outstanding success teaching kids how to become goal-oriented, athletic and academic achievers. We believe that every child has the potential to become an achiever and a Champion in Life!

Practical Self-Defense and Child Safety

Lil’ Dragon’s make for happy parents. Kids tend to listen to people they like, trust and respect. Our highly trained instructors will teach your child vital safety tips and teach your child practical reality based self-defense. Yet, most important is that he/she understands the simple rules of child safety. They will learn tips such as safety in numbers and learning to practice safe habits in their daily routine. Knowledge is power; we provide an explanation of common abduction lures and teach kids to be aware of their surroundings. No parent wants their child to live in fear, yet they don’t want them in harms way, they want to know that their child is safe. We believe strongly in helping your child become confident and capable young adults who understand right from wrong and will know when it’s OK to stand their ground and when to run, yell and tell an adult.

We also stress non-violent conflict resolution through our bully busters program, how to avoid dangerous situations and practical techniques for getting away from a range of street situations.

Lil’ Dragon classes are fun and exciting teaching them at a young age that a positive mind set with energy develops winners. Lil’ Dragons will learn the philosophy of Kung Fu, to become confident Peaceful Warriors and winners in life. Register today and take advantage of our special Internet offer.

While you are at it, why not consider joining one of our exciting adult programs. The family that Kicks together stays together. Call us today at 305 599-3649. Or email us at FitDef@aol.com. To see videos of our program log on to http://www.youtube.com/antafit

We have been changing lives in Doral since 1998. The longest running martial arts center in Doral.

Remember the greatest gifts you can give your child are self confidence, greater self esteem and a positive mental attitude. Don’t wait any longer call us today at 305 599-3649.

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