
Anti-Abduction Child Safety

Our training aims to give children a fighting chance against physically abusive adults and sexual predators by increasing their awareness about potentially dangerous situations. Our sessions feature role playing scenarios in which children learn appropriate responses to danger, including setting verbal boundaries, running away, telling a trusted adult and calling 911. The classes and workshops will also introduce children to some of the physical resistance techniques they can use in the event they are confronted with unavoidable danger.

In 2003 head instructor Julio Anta a retired law enforcement officer and self defense expert was certified as a “National Security Alliance, Kid-Safe Network Agent”. “The Kid-Safe Network” is a non-profit child safety and danger awareness organization that provides child safety and danger awareness seminars, fairs, and family workshops across the United States and Canada through their certified agents designed to educate parents, educators, and children about the dangers children face every day.

Anta's Fitness & Self Defense is also an authorized and licensed presenter of “The Journey of the Steal-Proof Master.” Using fantasy evil warriors, children are taught ten of the most common lures used by child predators. The Steal-Proof Master program stresses a teaching environment that promotes education through the visual, auditory, and physical senses of the child. The child learns that their brain is their best weapon.

Mr. Anta has appeared in numerous local, national and international TV shows, ABC Channel 10 News, CBS 4 News, Telemundo Veredicto Final, Univion’s Despierta America, News and Al Amanecer, America TeVe Channel 41 News, and on TVC’s Una Hora Con Tigo as a child safety expert. We have also been featured in numerous newspapers and magazines. Anta has written articles on child safety, stranger danger and anti-abduction in his column for his community newspapers “Doral Tribune” and “Ciudad Doral.” We have done work shops for public and private schools, churches, parks and the Boy Scouts of America.

5 Child Safety Tips:

1. Always check first with your parents or the person in charge before you go anywhere or do anything, and remember to check in.
2. Never keep secrets from your parents.
3. Don’t be tricked by people who offer you special treats or gifts. Never accept anything from anyone without your parent’s permission. That is including people that you know.
4. Never go into a public restroom, mall, video arcade or park by yourself.
5. Don’t be afraid to say NO and GET AWAY from any situations that make you feel uncomfortable or confused. TRUST YOUR FEELINGS, and be sure to TELL a trusted adult if something happens that makes you feel this way.

For more information on our martial arts child safety/anti-abduction classes or if you are interested in a workshop you can call us at 305 599-3649 or via e-mail at

America TeVe Channel 41 News 2009 Channel 10 News Kelly Butler 2005
CBS 4 News Shamari Stone 2004 Telemundo Veredicto Final 2010

Child Safety/Anti-Abduction Workshop at Anta's fitness and Self Defense